fine-dining places Fine-Dining Places: José Avillez Opens Three Restaurants In One image 2 2 750x410
Fine-Dining Places: José Avillez Opens Three Restaurants In One

Fine-Dining Places: José Avillez Opens Three Restaurants In One ♦ José Avillez in three in one: the Portuguese chef invited the Argentinean Estanislao Carenzo to open a Portuguese-Asian restaurant in Lisbon, but instead of one, they opened two spaces. Or three, if you count on the bar. In the heart of Chiado, an area already […]

feitoria Feitoria: Get A Sneak Peek Of This Fine-Dining Restaurant 2018 08 20 10 41 10 f5125cdba9906f3fcabc56d3a86fda69 1 750x410
Feitoria: Get A Sneak Peek Of This Fine-Dining Restaurant

Feitoria: Get A Sneak Peek Of This Fine-Dining Restaurant ♦ Strange times, the ones we live in, where we can travel at the push of a button, where we have easy access to all kinds of information, a world of images and the image, a world of virtual friends and emotions where everything happens in seconds. […]

belcanto Belcanto: The First Restaurant in Lisbon With Two Michelin Stars Belcanto 4 1 750x410
Belcanto: The First Restaurant in Lisbon With Two Michelin Stars

Belcanto: The First Restaurant in Lisbon With Two Michelin Stars ♦ “The light, the life, the neighbourhoods, the people, the history, the river, the land, the sea. Here we live, here we grow. Here we are inspired, here we walk. The kitchen is our fado, our way of expression”. This is how José Avillez, a renowned […]

fortaleza do guincho restaurant Fortaleza do Guincho Restaurant is a Once in a Lifetime Experience Fortaleza do Guincho 750x410
Fortaleza do Guincho Restaurant is a Once in a Lifetime Experience

Fortaleza do Guincho Restaurant is a once in a lifetime experience, we can guarantee you that. The first thing you’ll notice in this fine dining experience is the absolutely breathtaking environment that surrounds this fortress. With the Guincho Beach, in Cascais, as background, this restaurant, integrated into one of the most luxurious hotels in Portugal, the […]

michelin star restaurants Michelin star restaurants: The complete guide for 2019 featured 750x410
Michelin star restaurants: The complete guide for 2019

The Iberic Michelin Guide gala awarded Portugal with 3 new Michelin Star restaurants and upgraded one to the 2-Michelin star status. Portugal longs for a 3-star recognition that still wasn’t fulfilled. From the North to the South and Islands, Portugal is full of exquisite cuisine that longs to be experienced. Secrets from Portugal presents you […]