the presidential train The Presidential Train: The Luxury Trip Of Your Life On the Douro River The Presidential Train The Luxury Trip Of Your Life On the Douro River 8 3 750x410
The Presidential Train: The Luxury Trip Of Your Life On the Douro River

The Presidential Train: The Luxury Trip Of Your Life On the Douro River ♦ The presidential train is the best luxury experience in Portugal and was born of that premise of finding talent, nooks and deserving products of a voyage so extraordinary and magical. Buil in 1890, the Presidential train carried Presidents, Heads of State, […]

new port wine museum New Port Wine Museum Will Transform Porto TUTTI FRUTTI 750x410
New Port Wine Museum Will Transform Porto

New Port Wine Museum stands out on the riverside front and will change not only the look on the landscape of the heart of Porto but also the experience in relation to the main symbol of the city. The new Port Wine Museum, signed by the Portuguese architect Camilo Rebelo, was inaugurated this month. ♦ […]