Sir Tiles, The Portuguese Brand that was Inspired by Portuguese ‘Azulejo’ ♦ Socks with patterns, dolls, bright colours and geometric shapes peeking out from under the hem of the pants are increasingly popular – gone are the days when only black or little feet hidden inside the shoes. For all these and many other reasons, […]
Tag: ceramic tiles

What to do in Porto: 48 hours in the Undefeated city
What to do in Porto? If you’re about to visit the city, Secrets from Portugal has reunited all the best tips about this amazing city. Porto is a unique city for so many reasons we can’t even name all of them, but we would love that you get to discover all of them for yourself. It’s […]

Discover the top 7 best architectural designs in Portugal
Architectural design is spread all over Portugal and it’s definetly a secret not to be missed when you visit the country, with the amazing buildings providing you the best of the Portuguese architecture, you will fall in love in every little corner. Secrets from Portugal presents you a selection of the top 7 best architectural designs […]