Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique

Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique ♦ Mozambique is experiencing one of the biggest crises of which there are memories. In its history as a country and even of world history. It is impossible to remain indifferent to everything that goes on. Involved in a spirit of the mission with Mozambique, Portugal Fashion appealed to the designers and brands that are part of its portfolio, so that, if they could, sell some pieces, thus reverting the full value of the aid to the catastrophe that has hit the country that many roots and connections have to Portugal.


Written by Cláudio Vasconcelos


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Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique portuguese fashion designers Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique ef9f0f57b58201d547518b904f860cdc 1
Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique
Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique portuguese fashion designers Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique 20161849p
Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique

In an event that will take place on Saturday, March 30, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., in partnership with the clothing and footwear store The Feeting Room in Porto, the pieces will be kindly sold for sale from Friday, March 29 to Sunday, 31. The pieces not sold in store pass, then for sale online, during the next fifteen days.

Alexandra Moura, Carla Pontes, Carlos Gil, Concreto, David Catalan, Diogo Miranda, Hugo Costa, Ines Torcato, Júlio Torcato, Katty Xiomara, Luís Buchinho, Meam, Miguel Vieira, Nycole, Pé de Chumbo and Susana Bettencourt accepted the missive and will have your pieces for sale in this solidarity event. With Mozambique in mind, Portugal Fashion has established other partnerships so that the aid reaches as far as possible. Reversing the total value reached for those who need it the most, Caritas Portugal, in constant contact with its Mozambican counterpart, will be the beneficiary, thus relying on the total amount obtained during the event in ways to help those who more precisely.

Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique portuguese fashion designers Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique PortugalFashion JulioTorcato capa
Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique
Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique portuguese fashion designers Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique portugal fashion 1
Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique

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Caritas Portuguesa, through the campaign “Caritas Ajuda Moçambique”, aims to support a set of 4,000 households with food and hygiene and health kits. All coordination of the action is carried out by Caritas Internationalis, who already has an emergency response specialist on the ground and is working directly with the heads of Caritas Mozambican and CRS (Caritas – United States), under a protocol already signed.

Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique portuguese fashion designers Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique naom 5ab4a83204e8c
Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique
Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique portuguese fashion designers Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique BALLENTINA
Portuguese Fashion Designers Sell Clothing Pieces To Help Mozambique

Also associated with the project will be the Adega Mayor, the brand of the Nabeiro group, through the provision of wine. The value of the sale by the glass will be placed, immediately and by the consumer, inside a box made available by Caritas, which will be properly closed and sealed by the institution.

The fashion for Mozambique. The Portugal Fashion by Mozambique. All together for Mozambique!


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Moçambique atravessa uma das maiores crises de que há memórias. Na sua história enquanto país e até mesmo da história mundial. É impossível ficar indiferente perante tudo o que se passa.

Envolvidos num espírito de missão com Moçambique, o Portugal Fashion apelou aos designers e às amrcas que fazem parte do seu portfólio, para que, podendo, cedessem algumas peças e as mesmas pudessem ser vendidas, revertendo, dessa forma, o valor integral na ajuda à catástrofe que se abateu sobre o país que muitas raízes e ligações tem a Portugal.

Num evento que acontecerá no sábado, 30 de março, das 17h às 20h, em parceria com a loja de roupa e calçado The Feeting Room, no Porto, as peças gentilmente cedidas estarão para venda física de sexta, 29 de março, a domingo, 31. As peças não vendidas em loja passam, depois para venda online, durante os quinze dias seguintes.

Alexandra Moura, Carla Pontes, Carlos Gil, Concreto, David Catalan, Diogo Miranda, Hugo Costa, Inês Torcato, Júlio Torcato, Katty xiomara, Luís Buchinho, Meam, Miguel Vieira, Nycole, Pé de Chumbo e Susana Bettencourt aceitaram a missiva e terão as suas peças para venda neste evento solidário.

Com Moçambique em mente, o Portugal Fashion estabeleceu outras parcerias para que a ajuda chegue o mais longe possível. Revertendo na totalidade do valor alcançado para quem mais precisa, a Cáritas Portugal, em ponte constante com a sua homóloga moçambicana, será a beneficiária, cabendo-lhe, assim, a função de reverter o valor total obtido durante o evento em formas de ajudar quem mais precisa.

A Cáritas Portuguesa, através da campanha “Cáritas Ajuda Moçambique”, visa apoiar um conjunto de 4 mil agregados familiares com kits de alimentação e de higiene e saúde. Toda a coordenação da atuação é feita pela Cáritas Internationalis que tem já no terreno um elemento especialista em resposta de emergência e que está a trablhar diretamente com os responsáveis da Cáritas Moçambicana e do CRS (Cáritas – United States), ao abrigo de um protocolo já assinado.

Também associada ao projeto estará a Adega Mayor, marca do grupo Nabeiro, através da disponibilização de vinho. O valor da venda a copo será colocado, no imediato e pelo consumidor, dentro de uma caixa disponibilizada pela Cáritas, que estará devidamente fechada e selada pela instituição.

A moda por Moçambique. O Portugal Fashion por Moçambique. Todos juntos por Moçambique!